Tuesday 11 April 2017

Ultimatum Period as Been Endorced by the C\G of Customs

The Nigeria customs new policy on imported vehicles and private owners on the duty payment has eluded the act of public criticism and complaint.

The Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) apparently issued the mandate in a letter dated second March, 2017. The said letter endorsed "an ultimatum of one month between Monday 13th of March to Wednesday 12th April, 2017 for owners of all vehicles inside the nation whose custom duty has not been paid, to do as such".

The charged letter additionally exhorted every single car dealers and private owners of all vehicles imported into Nigeria to "visit the closest Customs Zonal Office to pay the fitting customs duty on them". The Comptroller-General of the NCS was likewise claimed to have stated his endorsement of the elegance time frame and forceful choice to pursue the car dealers and private vehicle owners on the NCS's "hostile to carrying operations" and the need to seize and arraign owners of such pirated vehicle after the said due date.

Moreover, the letter likewise proposed that all private vehicle owners who don't know maybe the necessary custom duty on their cars had been paid at the purpose of procurement, ought to approach the Zonal Offices of the NCS for authentic/verification "with a view to comply to the arrangements of the law". This was approved by the Comptroller-General of the NCS as contained in the letter signed by Mr Joseph Attah, the Acting Public Relation Officer and for the benefit of the Comptroller-General of the NCS.

We offer you the most fastest clearing delivery within the maximum of 2 to 3 working days for saloon cars,containerized 4 to 5 working days, excluding shipment.@VHI
This strategy has created a considerable measure of concern and dread among private car owner and the general people along these lines influencing the NCS to put its usage on hold. Be it noticed that this paper does not inspect the forces of the Nigeria Customs Service to gather applicable duty on imported goods, including vehicles.

The paper likewise does not question the presence of chaperon disciplines for inability to pay the necessary duties as endorsed by law. Notwithstanding, this issue proposes that it is dicey if NCS without a doubt has the power to seize or check an exclusive vehicle obtained by someone else from the open market or from a man who is not a car dealer t or from a shipper of the said vehicle.

In spite of the fact that the arrangement has been put on hold, people in general abuse liable to be created ought to the NCS in the long run continue to actualize the approach may go past creative energy. This incorporates and may not be limited to variety of activities in court and dissents from vehicle owners who purchased from the open market without notice of any future obstacle.

In settling this issue, this paper ends up plainly informational as it analyzes the reason for charging custom duties as recommended in the Custom and Excise Management Act (CEMA). It particularly recognizes the people legitimately committed to pay custom duty on imported goods while likewise breaking down the forces of the NCS to manage resistance of the law with a view to distinguishing the points of confinement of the activity of such powers by the NCS.


About the Blogger: Adedamola Adewoye is a Senior custom relationship officer with VHI Cargo. He has over 15 years experience interfacing with Nigeria custom and other Government agencies at the port.
Email: customercare@valuehandlers,com,  autoshippingsolutions@gmail.com
Tel: +234-8032241768, +234 8023032614, +2348182072412, Website: www.valuehandlers.com  Facebook: www.facebook.com

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